
Visit to Portugal (teachers meeting) C1

Beatriz Bartolomé and Rosa Monasor have been in the Portugal´s High School in a coordinator meeting from 14th to 16th of february 2019.
In this meeting coordinator from Neopolis Project have arranged all details for this Erasmus.
Paredes de Coura is a nice village in the North of Portugal and the High School is great.
People have been so kind!
Here you have some videos and photos about this place.

Visit to Spain C2

In March from 11th to 15 th our partners have been in Spain, in our High School, in Albacete.
We have done lots of Neopolis activities, and we have share our culuture. Students have hosted in our students´families. It had been a great experience for everybody!

Visit to United Kingdom C3

Rosalía Sánchez, Rosa Monasor and 6 of our students of 3rd of ESO have been in Newcastle, United Kingdom.
There we have hosted in a young hostel and there we have share lot of experiences with our partners. 

Visit to Norway C4

Agustina García, Rosa Monasor and 6 of our students of 4th of ESO have been in Agotnes in Norway. We have learnt of new things: Nature experiencies, sports and we have done Neopolis activities. A very good experience!

Visit to Spain from English team

In December from 9th to 13 th  our part2019 our partner from United Kingdom has been in Spain, in our High School, in Albacete.
We have done lots of Neopolis activities, and we have share our culuture. A nice experience!

Visit to United Kingdom C5

In March of 2020 we are coming to UK to the final Neopolis meeting. If Brexit permit it!

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